Importing setups doesn't work anymore

We tried importing some setups today on the newest version of SM and it brings all the elements associeted with the Pulze setup (cameras, objects etc) but doesn’t create the setup itself in SM.
We tried both, bringing setups to existing big scene and importing to fresh Max file, in both cases it does not work.
Max 2024.
Can you reproduce it on your end or do you need some exmaple file?

Thanks for the heads up. We have found the problem and we will make the fix available in the latest beta asap.

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Hi Peter,

Any idea when a fix will be available?


Hey Tom, the latest beta has a fix for this issue. You can grab it from here: Scene Manager 2.5.X [Beta]

We are working on a couple of fixes at the moment and then we publish a new version that will be the new default.

Hi Peter!

Is this issue already fixed?
I’ve tried it today with the Version 2.5.5 and it only imported the cameras.
These modules are checked for export:
Time Output
Render Output - RAW (V-ray)

No setup is created in the file where I import the setups.
I remember it worked fine last time I tried it (but can’t remember when).

Thank you in advance.
best regards

Hey @office2, please use the beta that was linked before. During September we are going to merge all the changes and release the latest patches as the default version on our website.

Thanks for your patience!