Admin UI management / "deploy" initial UI, setups, output formats, etc


Congrats on the latest version, it is dope!
I´ve got a feature request that would be useful for larger studios and where there might be some less tech-savvy artists in the team: I know people can create their own “defaults” in the Scene Manager, but I was wondering if it’d be possible for one or a few people in the team to have “admin” rights and be able to configure an initial UI with the cards and output setup/naming conventions that adjust to the team’s workflow better, with the goal to help standardise things in medium or large teams.
I’d like to be able to add/remove cards and set some of the settings, so that everyone sees that when starting the Scene Manager. Similar to deploying a maxstart file if you like.

What do you think?


Hi Lautaro,

The good news is that we are already working on this feature. We did not implement it into the 2.0 release but it will be ready soon so in the beginning of the next year we are planning to release the "Company setups’’.
It would be nice to contact because once the functions are technically ready it would be nice to understand your exact needs to streamline the behavior.



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