Copy card... is possible?

Is it possible to copy cards from one setup to another?
If so, how? If not, sometimes it happened to me to have a series of setup’s and see that I foget a card … it was good to just make one and be able to copy / paste and be able to change it later

Actually it is a great idea so we try to implent it into the next release. Thanks!

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Not sure if ‘Cards’ mean the same as ‘Modules’, but would be great to be able to copy parameters/settings from one setup to another.

Eg. I’ve set layers visibility for one setup and want to copy it to other setup. Or when I’ve done Render Settings Override for one setup and want to copy it to some other setups instead of manually doing it again for each setup.


Hello blankerAK, thanks for the comment! Your example is in alignment with our plans. This feature is under development.
