Graceful Suspend

Hi Pulze Team,

I would like to suggest a feature for the Pulze Render Manager that would allow users to suspend a render node, but only after the current task is completed.

At our company, employees often need to suspend render nodes when they arrive at work in the morning. However, if there are jobs in the queue, it would be extremely useful to have an option to suspend the node only after the ongoing task is finished. This would help avoid the inconvenience of having to cancel jobs outright.


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They were planning these features in 2021 already. Don’t know what’s taking so long, but it’s getting frustratring apart from the stability issues.

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There might be a valid reason for the delay! Now that we’re discussing it, it might be reconsidered. Regarding stability, we’ve dedicated the slowest computer in our office to work solely as the Distributor, and things have been quite stable here.