Max Crash every time we log in remote mode

Hi there. Everytime we log in remote mode to any of our workstations, if scene manager is opened (i.e. rendering in batch render mode or just idle) max crashes, which is very frustrating. We need to be able to check remotely the rendering process. It happens when we try to enter a workstation remotely in our local network and via VPN from home as well. Is it a known issue?. We tried to use the remote link in render manager as well, and the problem persists.
Hope this can be solved.
Thanks in advance


so it’s been a year and I just experienced exactly this when logging in remote via windows desktop to check a batch render. Was this supposed to have been fixed? I’m running max 2022.3, corona 8 and SM 2211

Yes unfortunately the problem remains. It turns out that it is caused by a 3rd party solution that we are using in Scene Manager. They did not fixed the problem although we reported and tried to help them many times. The problem is that we can’t replace them unless we invest serious time in rewriting some of the core elements. Most likely this won’t happen in this quarter.

Sorry for the inconvenience again, if we could fix this on our own it would be already done.

thanks for the quick reply Peter, sad to hear it’s not something you can fix yourself. Hope you can keep putting pressure on the 3rd party as we are not able to use anything else than windows remote desktop at work.

I wanted to check in on the status of this as I have been having the same issue. I work remotely and often when our server farm gets loaded up, I will lose connection momentarily. This of course will crash my scene if I have SM open. Will this be solved any time soon?

Thank you!

Has there been any updates to this? I still can not use SM remotely, even with the latest version.