Hi Peter,
My preferred workflow is to have lots (could be 100s!!) of XRef scenes that are disabled and on standby. Depending on what I need to do (lighting, materials, animation, etc.) I have a script that mass-dis/enables these XRefs (all or subsets). This also keeps the loading and (auto) saving fast. In a second Max instance I do the xRef editing. My main base file is rarely bigger then 20-30MB, compared to some gigs if I had everything loaded (even with lots of proxying).
The only (big) problem I have (Max2020/VRay5), is that sometimes out of the blue rendering starts with (5-20 min of transforming vertices), which can only be solved by saving, resetting Max and reloading the same scene, after which it skips the “transforming vertices” in a split second. Since nobody knows a solution for this, it might be a memory leaking problem with one of the tools I use, but just tell me how I can solve this in a fast way without losing much time!?!?!?
Sept. 1st I am temporarily moving to a new location which gives me a few days to experiment with my setup. So I could try to test out RM2 too. Could you also reset the trial for SM then? It is currently activated, but I dont have the time to test it out now, so you can deactivate that one. The last trial I had with RM showed some incompatibilities with PSD-manager that could only be solved with a little hack, which in turn made me wait for the final release. As explained above, what could help me a great deal is a way to mass-dis/enable XRef-scenes/objects combined with named subsets of these xRefs. Then I wouldn’t need to enable/disable sets by hand for each test render, and leave that to RM on another machine.
Thanks, E