Temporarily maximizing pallets

I am trying to divide up my projects in as littel max-files as possible, preferrably one for interiors and one for exteriors. Last of my interior files uses 15 cameras and about 14 activated pallettes in SM. Most of these pallettes I rarely touch. other ones, that contain many entries (like Layers, Objects, XRef scenes) I use very often. But all the other pallettes need to be open (closing instantly deactivates) leading to little space to maximize these pallettes.

I would like a way to rearrange pallettes - by closing, resizing, etc - without changing its activation status and being able to save the layout under a name, so I can easily switch between layouts. Also the scroll bars for pallettes and the main window are sometimes very hard to “click” because they are relatively small, especially on high res. monitors. Better would be a combo shortcut, like CTRL+drag, to scroll through pallettes. Scrolling through the XRef-Scene pallette with 100 entries is very cumbersome.

I hope this can be arranged for a near future release. Thanks :slight_smile: