"text" column, select a frame without turning it on


  1. Can you add a “text” column?
  2. the ability to select a frame without turning it on by clicking on this place?


  1. It is not possible to add or link a custom text to a column, but it doesn’t sound as a bad idea. Can you tell me a use case what would you like to add in that column? Just some extra info or comment about the scene?

  2. Totally possible by alt + click on the setup. Check this tutorial for more details: https://youtu.be/6F1oqoA23Do?t=121


  1. https://prnt.sc/1xlmysw When I have a lot of frames and I’m not comfortable pulling the manager down to read exactly which frame I’m looking at now.
  2. Thanks. I need to see the instructions more often)