To be able to use variables on render ouput

I previously tried to explain this idea but I didn’t explain well, therefore I’m editing this post:

Basically to be able to change the render output across all setups at once without the hassle of checking setup by setup.
This could be accomplished by being able to use variables on “Scene Setup”
I’m sending an image that explains by itself

If you Shift+Click or Ctrl+Click to select mutliple scene setups, you can affect all at once. Does that help?

Thanks but it’s not the same. The problem when you use shift + Click and then edit, if you have setup things differently between the different setups that you’re selecting, then at the end they all become the same, therefore some of the definitions might be lost.

With a variable, the only thing that I would need to do, would be to change the variable data and all the setups would change automatically…

Understood. I thought that’s what you wanted, was to affect everything. Sorry!

I agree though, variables could be cool. I’ve felt like the “Text” field could be better. Maybe Variables is the solution.