VRay Sky as Dome Light + Sky model option


I might be wrong about this but as far as I understand Dome lights have a “better” sampling than environment maps due to the MSI property of VRay lights + now the adaptive property too, so we usually put VRaySky maps inside dome lights. I was wondering if it’d be possible to add this as an option in the dropdown menu? See attached.

Also, it’d be really handy if we could choose the sky model property of the VRaySky maps, we generally try to use the new “improved” sky model but annoyingly it is not the default so if we create a new VRaySky map from Pulze it’d be reverted to the “Hosek et al.” model.
The same applies to the VRay Sun properties, it’d be good to be able to choose the sky model for each sun, although I believe the VRaySky map overrides the sun property.

Basically, if from the dome lights card we could have a button like “create VRay SkyDome Light” as we do in the environment card that would be fantastic. I know we could create one in the environment card and then select it from the dome options “browse scene maps”, but it is just a lot of extra steps.

Let me know what you think. Thanks!


Hi Lautaro,

No problem, it’s a great idea, I’ll add this to our todo list and will let you know when it’s available.


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Perfect, thanks Peter!