I am currently doing a lot of complex setups per Max-file, with too much repeating.
I would love a way to save a setup, that can be loaded into another max-file. I understand that with some cards (objects, xrefs, layers, etc) this will be too complex and maybe not wanted and even useless, but there are enough cards that do not require specific naming (like the render setups, even the ones that need you to chose a path or a preset file). Even if a new selection is required (like chosing a new camera, sun or anything), maybe a red filed marker that indicates you have to chose a new item for the card to work would come in handy. This way SM leads you through the setup to prevent mistakes.
Now with 20 max-files, I have been doing almost the exact same setups, but each time had to define 6 cards again and again (chosing presets, cameras, vray raw output, etc, etc), which actually is crazy for a scene manager. Of course there are a lot of cards that are scene specific, but there always is a relevant part that is standard. Maybe also the possibility to have saveable presets per card?