Hi everyone, I’m new and I’m trying to understand how things work.
I can’t understand how to render with Vantage, I saw that it is one of the rendering possibilities but I can’t use it.
I find some manual or tutorial.
Thank you!!
Hi everyone, I’m new and I’m trying to understand how things work.
I can’t understand how to render with Vantage, I saw that it is one of the rendering possibilities but I can’t use it.
I find some manual or tutorial.
Thank you!!
I am sorry that I can’t help you because I have the same problem as you.
I have tried several combinations but nothing works. It is impossible to open a Vantage file and the Vrscene files are necessarily assigned to Vray.
Is it possible to get an explanation on how to do it ?
Tank you
Yeah it’s weird I never tried it but can’t find a way either, although they stated that is supported from 2.1.5 onwards: Render Manager 2.1.5 - Render Manager / Release Logs - Pulze | Forum
Unfortunately support for Vantage has been removed in the latest update and since Vantage 2 got released it was pretty much broken.
A few weeks ago we revisited the topic and wanted to implement it again for the upcoming Render Manager version, turns out the option we were looking for got removed by Chaos. Chaos Vantage Command Line Rendering Options Removed? - Chaos Forums
It seams like at the moment there is no way to control Vantage with Render Manager. We have reached out to the Chaos support and hopefully they can help us out.
Thank you for the answer.
It’s a shame that you can’t control Vantage from Render Manager, because that’s exactly why I tried it. I will look for another solution.
Let’s hope Chaos turns the command lines back on !
Aight, might want to remove it from the website and documentation in the meantime then, as to not confuse (future) customers.
I think it will no longer be possible to control Vantage with Render Manager or Scene Manager. I just discussed this with Chaos, and here is part of their response:
Please note that for the automation process, you need a special license - the command line interface license which is separate from the Chaos Vantage end user license. This command line interface license costs $7,500.00 per year.
I find this price completely crazy!
I guess they are positioning this special version to places where cost is not a problem.
In the meantime we have started a discussion with them and hopefully we can figure something out! I’ll keep you guys updated.
Yeah ever since Chaos “grew” it’s a shit show really.
Wow, that is absolutely crazy pricing, especially for the product that still feel non production ready in many areas.
Really disappointing if it turns out to be true, rendering queue setup in Vantage is quite a pain, Chaos has a lot to learn from Pulze!
is that a update of render manager to control Vantage?